Tact Gólfmotta – Dökkgrá

32.990 kr.162.990 kr.

Our hand-woven Tact rug has a distinctive yet simplistic appearance. Characterised by the small circular droplets that provide a tactile surface. The woven loops combined with the dyed base constitute a modern structure and provide a sensuous tread. Made from organic wool, the medley of the natural yarn gives the individual Tact its very own white colour nuance. Therefore, you will experience slight variations in colour from rug to rug.

Afhending áætluð: 6-8 vikur

Efni: 90% ull / 10% bómull
Litur: Dökkgrá

Kemur í þremur stærðum
Breidd: 90 cm / 170 cm / 200 cm
Lengd: 140 cm / 240 cm / 300 cm

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